I have two tables and a pivot table:
Table1: products
Table2: categories
Pivot table: product_categories
Relationship between them is:
product belongsToMany category (trough product_categories)
category belongsToMany product (trough product_categories)
if its main category, than parent is 0, otherwise is an integer representing an other category's id. I have a category id, which may or may not have subcategories and may be 0 or more.
I need the list of the products belonging to the category and its subcategories. (if no category is selected, than its simple: all the products needs to be listed)
Currently I have the list of id's of the categories in an array (or in a collection):
$w = [];
$w['parent'] = (!empty($id)?$id:0);
$categories = Category::where('id', $w['parent'])->orWhere($w)->get()->toArray();
How can I do this in an elegant way? Any help would be apreciated.
I finally got the answer, here it is how I solved:
$category_ids = Category::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('id', $id)->orWhere(['parent'=>$id])->pluck('id')->toArray();
$category_ids = array_unique($category_ids);
$product_ids = ProductCategory::whereIn('category_id', $category_ids)->pluck('product_id')->toArray();
$product_ids = array_unique($product_ids);
$products = Product::where('user_id', $user->id)->whereIn('id', $product_ids)->paginate(12);
As long as the categories has maximum 2 levels, this works.