I'm currently using the built in angular filter "$filter" in my controller to filter a dropdown list of data but the filter isn't filtering the data correctly at all. It filters it but the filtered data doesn't match the text being typed. I was reading that there may be some issues with the state of filters not working correctly in 1.3 on objects and arrays? I'm wondering if this is a version issue or if I am doing something incorrectly in my code? I'm thinking about upgrading to 1.5 so I'm just curious if my problems would be solved in 1.5 or if I have syntax errors. Here is what I have:
DATA (this is the initial data being ng-repeated over and what is being filtered:
this.items = [
{ name: 'Jim', city: 'Minneapolis', state: 'MN', zip: 44332 },
{ name: 'Boe', city: 'Scottsdale', state: 'AZ', zip: 44332 },
{ name: 'Tom', city: 'S.F.', state: 'CA', zip: 11223 },
{ name: 'Joe', city: 'Dallas', state: 'TX', zip: 34543 },
{ name: 'Jon', city: 'L.A.', state: 'CA', zip: 56433 },
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="inputField" ng-change="ctrl.filterTextChangeLocal($event)" ng-model="ctrl.ngModelValue" ng-click="ctrl.openDropdown($event)" />
The above input filters the list below:
<ul class="dropdown-menu list-group" ng-if="!ctrl.ngDisabled">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="row in ctrl.filteredItems"
ng-mousedown="ctrl.onSelectedLocal(row, $event)">
<li class="list-group-item text-center" ng-show="ctrl.filteredItems.length <= 0">
// filter the drodpown data
//$event is being used to check for specific keypresses but doesn't matter here
//ngModelValue is bound to ng-model inside the input
public filterTextChangeLocal($event: ng.IAngularEvent) {
this.filteredItems = this.$filter("filter")(this.items, this.ngModelValue);
The result of above is a simple bootstrap ul dropdown list that would display a specified property on the objects in the list, here it would show the name property from the data shown above, but this data isn't correctly being filtered:
You should change your filter like as-
public filterTextChangeLocal($event: ng.IAngularEvent) {
this.filteredItems = this.$filter("filter")(this.items, {'name':this.ngModelValue});