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cefsharp and previewkeydown event not working

This might be a simple question, but I have a winforms app that is loading a ChromiumWebBrowser control (CefSharp) and I can't figure out how to capture key preview events as they are all being swallowed by the control.

The standard attaching a handler to the PreviewKeyDown event of the browser control isn't working. Is there a known workaround?


  • CEF is run in it's own message loop, so the standard events don't work.

    The first an easiest option is to implement IKeyboardHandler, you can check the CefSharp source for a more detailed example (there's one that forwards messages to the parent window if required).

    Second run with settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false, and call Cef.DoMessageLoopWork() on application idle, this will integrate CEF into the same message loop as your main application. Again, the source contains examples see

    The third option is to hook into the CEF message loop, see for an example

    CEF = Chromium Embedded Framework - CefSharp is just a wrapper.