I am having trouble with returning date stored in mongodb in the REST JSON response. I am using Spring-MVC 4.2.5 @RestController and @ResponseBody. I have date stored in Mongodb as "createdDate" : ISODate("2016-04-14T20:26:00.682Z"). when I return the collection back to the controller in spring mvc and return the JSON data back to the client, the entire DateTime (JODA) class is jsonified. I need only the date in DD-MM-YYYY format and not all other attributes. I do not want to store date as string in monngoDB.
This is how i am setting date:
DateTime date = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("Asia/Kolkata"));
This is how it looks in MongoDB.
"createdDate" : ISODate("2016-04-14T20:26:00.682Z")
This is how i am creating the response :
Object resp;
booking = getFromMongo(id);
return resp;
below is my JSON response
"createdDate": {
"year": 2016
"minuteOfHour": 56
"weekyear": 2016
"yearOfEra": 2016
"hourOfDay": 1
"era": 1
"dayOfMonth": 15
"dayOfWeek": 5
"dayOfYear": 106
"secondOfMinute": 0
"millisOfSecond": 764
"weekOfWeekyear": 15
"yearOfCentury": 16
"monthOfYear": 4
"centuryOfEra": 20
"secondOfDay": 6960
"minuteOfDay": 116
"millisOfDay": 6960764
"zone": {
"uncachedZone": {
"cachable": true
"fixed": false
"id": "Asia/Kolkata"
"fixed": false
"id": "Asia/Kolkata"
"millis": 1460665560764
"chronology": {
"zone": {
"uncachedZone": {
"cachable": true
"fixed": false
"id": "Asia/Kolkata"
"fixed": false
"id": "Asia/Kolkata"
"equalNow": false
"beforeNow": true
"afterNow": false
How do i avoid jsonifying the entire DateTime class.
There are things that you need to do to format the date as yyyy-MM-dd:
1.Add a dependency on com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-joda
2.Configure Jackson not to format dates as timestamps by adding spring.jackson.serialization.write-dates-as-timestamps: false
to your application.properties
3.Annotate the LocalDataTime field or getter method with @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd")
That will be enough to have the json response as yyyy-MM-dd
.you may face the time zone issue.