I have a piece of code which looks a little like this:
public TReturn SubRegion(TParam foo)
Contract.Requires(foo!= null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<TReturn>() != null);
if (!CheckStuff(foo))
return OtherStuff(foo);
CC is giving me a warning:
Warning 301 CodeContracts: Consider adding the postcondition Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); to provide extra-documentation to the library clients
Which is obviously completely redundant! I have several such redundant warnings and it's becoming a problem (real warnings getting buried in a torrent of redundant suggestions).
So I have two questions:
1) Am I missing something which means this is not a redundant recommendation? In which case what do I need to do to fix this warning?
2) Alternatively, if this is just a quirk of CCCheck and cannot be fixed how can I hide or suppress this warning?
N.b. Just in case you think my example is missing something important, the full code is the SubRegion method here.
Regarding 2: The documentation is pretty good, take a look at 6.6.10 Filtering Warning Messages:
To instruct the static contract checker not to emit a particular class of warnings for a method (a type, an assembly), annotate the method (the type, the assembly) with the attribute:
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Contracts", warningFamily)]
where warningFamily is one of:
Requires, Ensures, Invariant, NonNull, ArrayCreation, ArrayLowerBound, ArrayUpperBound, DivByZero, MinValueNegation
.If necessary, the static contract checker allows filtering a single warning message (instead of an entire family) as well. To do so you can annotate a method with the attribute
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Contracts", warningFamily-ILOffset-MethodILOffset)]
is as above, andILOffset
are used by the static contract checker to determine the program point the warning refers to. The offsets can be obtained from the static contract checker by providing the -outputwarnmasks switch in the "Custom Options" entry in the VS pane. Check the Build Output Window for the necessary information.