My icCube report contains a Pie Chart( 5 top client + "Other") and a histogram, when I select a client on Pie Chart, the histogram change.
Using the following mdx In my Pie Chart
CATEGORY CALCULATED MEMBER [Client].[Client].[All].[Autre] AS SubCubeComplement( TopCount ( Order ( [Client].[Client].[idclient] ,[Measures].[venteT] , DESC ) ,5) )
SELECT { NONEMPTY([Measures].[venteT]),[Measures].[DateC] } ON 0 ,
{ NONEMPTY(TopCount ( Order ( [Client].[Client].[idclient] ,[Measures].[venteT] , DESC ) ,5)),NONEMPTY({[Client].[Client].[All].[Autre]})} ON 1
FROM (SELECT { @{dated![Time].[Time].[Jour]} } ON 0 FROM [CubeVente] )
Using the following mdx In my Histogram
{ Order( [Statut].[Statut].[statut].allmembers, [Measures].[DateC], BASC) } * { @{clientv![Client].[Client]} } ON COLUMNS,
{ NonEmpty( Order( [Time].[Time].[Année].allmembers, [Measures].[DateC], BASC), [Measures].[DateC]) } ON ROWS
{ @{dated![Time].[Time].[Jour]} } ON 0 FROM [CubeVente])
But when I select the cell "Other" in the PieChart, there is an error:
'[Client].[Client].[All-M].[Autre]' n'est pas une entité MDX connue
Is there a way to resolve this error? Txs, Marwen.
You should create the category member on both charts so it's recognized in the histogram charts (don't forget the where clause content).
Note that you can combine the event with an mdx IIF function.
I don't see an easy way to do this properly as the category is created dynamically during the MDX evaluation.