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Trying to load an image to my future soundboard and it wont work. anyone?

So I'm working towards making a soundboard. I'm messing around with processing and I would like a image on the screen. however the image wont show when I load it.

import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; import ddf.minim.signals.*;import ddf.minim.spi.*;import ddf.minim.ugens.*;PImage soundboard;PImage [] array= new PImage[0];Minim minim; AudioPlayer player;Boolean player1= false;void setup(){  minim = newMinim(this)  player = minim.loadFile("deadmau5.mp3")  imageMode(CENTER); soundboard=loadImage("");}void draw(){    imageMode(CENTER); soundboard =loadImage(""); } void mousePressed(){  player1=!player1;if (player1){;}else {  player.pause();  player.rewind();}}

for future reference how to i sort out the code with the sampler on this? I'm such a noob, Yes i know lol. Can someone explain why it's not showing? thank you very much guys.


  • You're never displaying your image. You're loading it, but you aren't displaying it. You need to call the image() function to draw your image to the screen.

    PImage soundboard;
    void setup() {  
    void draw() {    
      image(soundboard, 25, 25);