I have the following state in SaltStack that i'm trying to execute in order to create a VPC in AWS.
- name: saltstack_test_vpc
- cidr_block:
- dns_hostnames: True
- region: us-east-1
- keyid: SECRET_KEY_ID
Although the documentation in https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/states/all/salt.states.boto_vpc.html#manage-vpcs says how to create the state, it does not say how to execute it.
What i have not been able to find out, is how to execute this state. Obviously, here i don't have a target system as i have when pushing configuration to a server by doing: salt -v 'TARGET_SERVER' state.highstate
So my question is how can one execute this state or any other boto_vpc states ?
Thank you in advance !
Install salt-minion into your salt master as well. E.g., let say your saltmaster hostname is my-salt
, you should see a key appear using sudo salt-key -L
Accept the key, e.g. sudo salt-key -a my-salt
Now in your top.sls, create entry that target your own salt-minion my-salt.
sudo salt "my-salt" state.highstate
you top.sls should looks something like following. And your above code are named as createvpc.sls