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Not able to resize Vertical Ruler again once resize stops

I am using JQuery Resizable widget on the vertical Ruler as shown in the link below. Once, I start resize using the east handle and stop it. Now, I try to resize the ruler again and I find the resize handle not showing up. I checked the html div but the ui-resizable div is deleted. Any sort of help would be useful.

My JS Code:


  handles: "e",
  resize: function(event, ui) {
  stop: function(event, ui) {},
  start: function(event, ui) {}

Check here for complete code


  • This line breaks it:


    I think what is happening, is that you are dumping the data (or reference - not sure exactly what the empty() method does in your application) each time you click. This is fine when you first instantiate it - but the next time you click it - you are running the same function again - this time with no data for the resize.

    Try setting up some logic that trigger $('.ruler').empty(); ONLY on the first click of the ruler handle.