I'm trying to manually scale some fonts in my Java Swing application (ie. for a high res screen).
at 96 DPI (100%), Windows Look & Feel tells me the default font is Tahoma size 11. (using Label.font in the WLF) At 200% it's 21, 300% is 32, 400% is 43, and 500% is 53. (note that point size == font ascent)
My original approach is to take "my" default font: Tahoma size 11. Then calculate the scaling factor (ie. 2.0 for 200%). From there I want to calculate the font point size, however doing a straight up multiplication isn't in line with the Windows scaling,
so the question(s):
How do I scale my fonts? (There is also other scaling done for components, etc.) The two main fonts in my application are Tahoma(11) and Segoe UI (12).
new WindowsLookAndFeel().getDefaults().getFont("Label.font") //returns 11 @ 100%
Font font = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getFont("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11); //my inital Composite font (Tahoma with Dialog fallback)
Font newFont = font.deriveFont(zoomFactor * 11); // this gets me 22 @ 200%
In my case, my solution was to iterate through each font size and check the width of a test string and stop at the Font closest (but not larger) than the scaled width size.
This is similar to sizing a font to a specific component's size. One thing to note is that I had to choose a relatively long string for the Test string.
By following this method, Tahoma 21 is chosen for the correct font at 200% (192 DPI). Something along the lines of:
while(true) {
Font newFont = font.deriveFont((float)fontSize + 1);
int newWidth = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getFontMetrics(newFont).stringWidth(TEST_STIRNG);
if(newWidth <= targetWidth) {
} else {
System.out.println("Rejected Font:" + newFont.getName() + " size:" + newFont.getSize() + " width: " + newWidth);