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Struts2 validation is not working properly, validation error messages not shown

First of all I use simple theme but even without it the same behaviour occurs (except page formatting). When I submit the form, name field gets empty and redirects to register.jsp without displaying the validation error. After checking the logs or with debugger, it seems that validation is working properly and server log messages are written as expected. I'll post generic code.



private User user = new User()    // getter and setter

transient UserDAO userDAO;

public User getModel() {
    return user;

public void validate(){

    LOG.debug("NAME VALIDATION " + user.getName());
        addFieldError("", "Name can't be empty");
        LOG.debug("Validation Error on name");

Checked with debugger, validate method is working and logs are written.


<package name="users" extends="struts-default">
    <action name="registerUser" method="prepareRegister" class="com.test.MyAction">
        <result name="success">/register.jsp</result>

    <action name="saveOrUpdateUser" method="saveOrUpdate" class="com.test.MyAction">
        <result name="input" type="redirect">registerUser</result>
        <result name="success" type="redirect">listUser</result>


    <s:textfield id = "userName" 
              label = "User Name" 
               name = "" />
<s:fielderror fieldName = "" />

Feel free to ask me for clarifications. I am pretty new to struts 2, I tried the struts 2 documentation validation way, and checked other tutorials too. I don't know if I am missing something or I have some missconfiguration that I am not noticing, since the logic is working and the view part (jsp) is not. Thanks in advance.


  • After having read how the INPUT result works and having abandoned the ModelDriven design pattern that adds nothing to your programming experience except problems, that might easily hide themselves in the middle of the Interceptor Stack, note that:

    • redirect is the result to use when redirecting to external URLs or non-Action URLs, while redirectAction should be used when redirecting to an Action;
    • when redirecting, a new request is created, and hence the old parameters (including action errors and messages and field errors) are lost.

    To prevent that, if you want to keep using the PRG pattern (and hence the redirection), you can use the MessageStore Interceptor that will store and retrieve the messages for you across the redirections; just define an interceptor stack that contains it, and it will solve your problem.

    Or do it once like in the example from the documentation.