In my dropdown menu, there are two options- small and large. When small is selected, a picture shows up; when large is selected, another picture shows up. I want to add a default picture for when nothing is selected (example. page just loaded). But my code below isn't working.
AngularJS, inside controller:
var urls = {
'': '/images/Default.png', // empty string doesn't work
Small: '/images/Small.png',
Large: '/images/Large.png'
$scope.getUrl = function (name) {
if (urls[name] !== undefined) return urls[name];
HTML (size is the ng-model that binds what the user selects from the dropdown):
<img ng-src="{{getUrl(size)}}" ng-if="size">
You need to define your default value for size as default
for example.
You can use this
var urls = {
default: '/images/Default.png',
Small: '/images/Small.png',
Large: '/images/Large.png'
and define your size default value as initial value
$scope.size = 'default';