I am dealing with an application that needs to randomly read an entire line of text from a series of potentially large text files (~3+ GB).
The lines can be of a different length.
In order to reduce GC
and create unnecessary strings, I am using the solution provided at: Is there a better way to determine the number of lines in a large txt file(1-2 GB)? to detect each new line and store that in a map in one pass therefore producing an index of lineNo => position
// maps each line to it's corresponding fileStream.position in the file
List<int> _lineNumberToFileStreamPositionMapping = new List<int>();
new line
increment lineCount
and add the fileStream.Position
to the _lineNumberToFileStreamPositionMapping
We then use an API similar to:
public void ReadLine(int lineNumber)
var getStreamPosition = _lineNumberToFileStreamPositionMapping[lineNumber];
//... set the stream position, read the byte array, convert to string etc.
This solution is currently providing a good performance however there are two things I do not like:
therefore I have to use a List<int>
which has the potential inefficiency of resizing to double of what I actually need;Any ideas are very much appreciated.
Use List.Capacity to manually increase the capacity, perhaps every 1000 lines or so.
If you want to trade performance for memory, you can do this: instead of storing the positions of every line, store only the positions of every 100th (or something) line. Then when, say, line 253 is required, go to the position of line 200 and count forward 53 lines.