I'm trying to modify a caesar shift program to shift not every character in an array but say every 5th character. Currently, characters can be input into a textarea which is then converted to an array and every character is shifted by whatever the shiftAmount(Key) is(as you'd expect). "abc" --by2--> "cde".
I tried (int i=0; i<ptArray.length; i+=5)
which results in shifting every 5th character(including the 1st) it seems but also only counting those characters shifted thus not displaying any other characters in the array. Is there a modification I can make to the loop to achieve this? Ideally "abcdefghij" with every 5th letter shifted by 2 would display as "abcdgfghil"
I'm trying to make a more secure cipher by shifting each character simultaneously by a different amount with a multi-integer key. Any help would be much appreciated.
public String shiftCipher (String p, int s) { //plaintext, shiftAmount
//convert the input/plain string to an array of characters
char[] ptArray = p.toCharArray();
//create array of characters to hold output/cipher string
char[] ctArray = new char[ptArray.length];
//shift and put result in the ciphertext array
for (int i=0; i<ptArray.length; i++) {
int ascii = (int)ptArray[i];
ascii = (ascii - 32 + s)%95 + 32;
ctArray[i] = (char)ascii;
//convert ciphertext array to string
String c = new String(ctArray);
return c;
So you are making a Vigenère chiper for only some letters in the the message. Better to encrypt all letters and use a longer key.
for(int i=0; i<ptArray.length; i+=5)
will step through every 5th letter in the array. (Don't forgett the assignment to the variable i
Use only one array, unless you want an array with only the new letters. Overwrite the old lettets i the first array.
There are two ways you can do this
First: Loop through every 5th index in the array (0,4,9,14... and so on), and change that letter in the original array.
for(int i=0; i < myArray.length; i+=5 ){
myArray[i] = ...what to change to here..
Second: Copy all the values into a new array, and change every 5th element.
char[] newArray = new char[oldArray.length];
for(int i = 0; i < oldArray.length; i++) {
if(i % 5 == 0) { //Every 5th element
newArray[i] = ...what to change to here...;
} else {
newArray[i] = oldArray[i];