Say I have the following methods in my code:
public bool RemoveItem(Item item)
// Logic to remove a single item
public bool RemoveItems(List<Item> items)
// Logic for removing multiple items. Running over all items and calling RemoveItem will be inefficient in my case
public bool AddItem(Item item)
// Logic for adding single item
public bool AddItems(List<Item> items)
// Logic for adding multiple items
Is there a way to prevent having multiple methods for each operation? I have alot of such methods. I wish to somehow combine each couple of methods into a single there a nice way for doing so?
I can create a list with single item and support only methods that take list as parameter but is seems ugly to me.
How do other people do it?
You can create your methods with params
public bool AddItems(params Item[] items)
public bool RemoveItems(params Item[] items)
This allows you call these methods like this:
AddItems(item1, item2, ...);
AddItems(new Item[] { ... });