I'm trying to build a structure that is similar to a device tree. Basically, i want to get a driver that is built to work with a device tree, to work the same way without it. I want to build the wrapper and the structure that contain all the information a device tree has, and pass it onto the driver.
Anyone has any idea how i can do this or a good place to read abut it? i looked for it but couldn't find anything or any example of something similar on how to do this.
Best regards and thank you for your help
It's already been done in the kernel recently and called unified device property API, in particularly it supports same properties come from DeviceTree, ACPI, or built-in in the platform code. More information about API you may find in the sources include/linux/property.h, drivers/base/property.c. The one of the examples is rfkill_gpio driver, i.e. net/rfkill/rfkill-gpio.c [consumer], arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-paz00.c [provider].