I'm creating an app in nodejs to send an email using MailChimp. I've tried to use https://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/sendemail.func.php but changed it to use 3.0 api because 1.0 seems to no longer work (big surprise). I've setup my app with
var apiKey = '<<apiKey>>',
toEmail = '<<emailAddress>>',
toNames = '<<myName>>',
message = {
'html': 'Yo, this is the <b>html</b> portion',
'text': 'Yo, this is the *text* portion',
'subject': 'This is the subject',
'from_name': 'Me!',
'from_email': '',
'to_email': toEmail,
'to_name': toNames
tags = ['HelloWorld'],
params = {
'apikey': apiKey,
'message': message,
'track_opens': true,
'track_clicks': false,
'tags': tags
url = 'https://us13.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/SendEmail';
needle.post(url, params, function(err, headers) {
if (err) {
I keep getting a 401 response (not authorized because I'm not sending the API key properly)
I have to use needle due to the constraints on the server.
There is no "SendEmail" endpoint in API v3.0. MailChimp's STS was a pre-cursor to its Mandrill transactional service and may only still work for user accounts that have existing STS campaigns. No new STS campaigns can be created. If you have a monthly, paid MailChimp account, you should look into Mandrill. If not, I've had good luck with Mailgun.