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Watson visual recognition, classify against multiple classifiers in java

I found this curl command in API document that can classify an image against multiple classifiers:

    curl -u "{username}":"{password}" \
-F "" \
-F "classifier_ids=<classifierlist.json" \

I wondered if it is possible to do this in java since I'm working on an android program using Watson's visual recognition service.

thank you


  • Use this tutorial to set your Java environment

    Then take a look on this other tutorial that shows how to use multiple classifiers using Java code

    Briefly speaking, your code will look like this

    Step #1 - create the classifiers

     VisualRecognition service = new VisualRecognition(VisualRecognition.VERSION_DATE_2015_12_02);
     service.setUsernameAndPassword("*******", "********");
     File p1 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/");
     File n1 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/");
     VisualClassifier c1 = service.createClassifier("2010", p1, n1);
     File p3 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/");
     File n3 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/");
     VisualClassifier c3 = service.createClassifier("2014", p3, n3);

    Step #2 - use them

    File image = new File("...");
     VisualClassifier vc1 = new VisualClassifier("2010_633980596");
     VisualClassifier vc2 = new VisualClassifier("2014_450835300");
     VisualClassification result = service.classify(image, vc1,vc2);

    If your image is identified by the classifier, it will return the score, otherwise, no answer will be returned. E.g.

     "images": [
     "image": "2012.jpg",
     "scores": [
     "classifier_id": "2010_633980596",
     "name": "2010",
     "score": 0.992153
     "classifier_id": "2014_450835300",
     "name": "2014",
     "score": 0.833185

    check the tutorials, they're step-by-step instructions. Good luck.