I found this curl command in API document that can classify an image against multiple classifiers:
curl -u "{username}":"{password}" \
-F "images_file=@batch1.zip" \
-F "classifier_ids=<classifierlist.json" \
I wondered if it is possible to do this in java since I'm working on an android program using Watson's visual recognition service.
thank you
Use this tutorial to set your Java environment
Then take a look on this other tutorial that shows how to use multiple classifiers using Java code
Briefly speaking, your code will look like this
Step #1 - create the classifiers
VisualRecognition service = new VisualRecognition(VisualRecognition.VERSION_DATE_2015_12_02);
service.setUsernameAndPassword("*******", "********");
File p1 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/pos2010-2011.zip");
File n1 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/pos2014-2015.zip");
VisualClassifier c1 = service.createClassifier("2010", p1, n1);
File p3 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/pos2014-2015.zip");
File n3 = new File("/home/leoks/Desktop/models/pos2010-2011.zip");
VisualClassifier c3 = service.createClassifier("2014", p3, n3);
Step #2 - use them
File image = new File("...");
VisualClassifier vc1 = new VisualClassifier("2010_633980596");
VisualClassifier vc2 = new VisualClassifier("2014_450835300");
VisualClassification result = service.classify(image, vc1,vc2);
If your image is identified by the classifier, it will return the score, otherwise, no answer will be returned. E.g.
"images": [
"image": "2012.jpg",
"scores": [
"classifier_id": "2010_633980596",
"name": "2010",
"score": 0.992153
"classifier_id": "2014_450835300",
"name": "2014",
"score": 0.833185
check the tutorials, they're step-by-step instructions. Good luck.