I'm running into an issue in which the minima is not being correctly set. The maxima is setting perfectly, but I know that the minima should be less than 0. Running this snippet, it seems like the minima is never being set. Any ideas?
edit: The curve points should be from -1 to 3. Here's an image:
public class FindingExtrema {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double lowestPoint = 0;
double highestPoint = 0;
double y;
double x = -1;
int timesCalculated = 0;
while (x <= 3) {
y = run(x);
if (y < lowestPoint) {
lowestPoint = y;
System.out.printf("y: %1$.5f", y);
if (y > highestPoint) {
highestPoint = y;
x += .00001;
System.out.printf("Lowest: %1$.5f, Highest: %2$.5f; Calculated %3$d times\n", lowestPoint, highestPoint, timesCalculated);
private static double run(double x) {
return Math.cbrt(2 * x) - Math.sqrt(8 * x) + x + 16;
The expression
Math.cbrt(2 * x) - Math.sqrt(8 * x) + x + 16;
is not equivalent to the right hand side for the equation of your graph - you are getting cube root confused with cubing and square root confused with squaring.
The correct expression is
(2 * x * x * x) - (8 * x * x) + x + 16