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The Database Server on EasyPHP won't start

i have some issues to work on a local database. I tried Wamp, but the services doesn't work, so I try EasyPHP and they doesnt work either. In other words, when i try to start the service (http server and/or databaseserver) on the EasyPHP dashboard, nothing happen !

But when i click on start, the page is loading then refreshing but nothing actually happend.

However, in my services window, the two services are running, so i don't understand what happend.

The issue is that i can't go to my phpmyadmin interface on the EasyPHP dashboard, because there is no "Open" button.

In images :

I am pretty sure it's because of a proxy i have to used in my company. But i can't figured out what to do now. I also try to connect to the database using JDBC on Java, and the connection is running until a timeout says "No Internet connection" while i actually have one, but i use it through a Proxy...

Thanks for anyhelp, i'm on this for 8 hours x(


  • Nevermind !

    It was just needed to start easyPHP as an Administrator.

    I'm feeling stupid x)