Im trying to update a label every certain seconds, I tried using a normal Timer but since its in another thread it cannot make changes to the label, this is the Timer:
public void setTimer(Timer timer, int seconds, String userName, String content, VBox tabContent,ArrayList<Integer> countTweetsArray, Label statusLabel) {
TabContent tabContentObj = new TabContent();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
setTweet(userName, content);
//tabContentObj.createStatusScreen(tabContent, countTweetsArray, remainingTweets);
System.out.println(content+" after "+seconds);
System.out.println("countTweetsArray: "+countTweetsArray.get(0));
countTweetsArray.set(0, (countTweetsArray.get(0)+1));
tabContentObj.timersMap.put(userName, timer);
}, (seconds*1000));
I read that I can make periodic changes to a label using TimeLine but I cant understand how it works the keyvalues and the keyframes, Is there a way to just trigger a void method without any animation involved?
You can use the KeyFrame
constructor that takes a Duration
and an event handler:
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(
new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(seconds), e -> {
// code to execute here...
Update: if you need a button to stop it, you can do that with
Button button = new Button("Stop");
button.setOnAction(e -> timeline.stop());