I converted the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) version of the meta-circular evaluator to Clojure. The main difference (besides syntax) is the handling of the environment structure. Since you cannot use set-car!
and set-cdr!
in Clojure, these are implemented via an atom holding a map (copied from the code of Greg Sexton's chapter 4 notes on GitHub, which I believe has the same problem with not being able to define a procedure).
The code of the two evaluators can be found here:
Unfortunately defining a procedure does not work properly. What I expect to happen is this:
;;; M-Eval input:
(defn (add1 x) (+ x 1))
;;; M-Eval value:
< Environment printed >
;;; M-Eval input:
(add1 10)
;;; M-Eval value:
Note: it is basically Scheme code that is entered except for define which is called defn.
Here defining add1
stores a procedure in the environment structure and when it is called with (add1 10
) the symbol add1
is looked up in the environment and the procedure created by the evaluator is applied to 10, resulting in 11.
What I see however is this:
;;; M-Eval input:
(defn (add1 x) (+ x 1))
;;; M-Eval value:
{add1 (procedure (x) (((+ x 1))) (#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x7c197838 {:status :ready, :val {add1 (procedure (x) (((+ x 1))) (#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x7c197838 {:status :ready, :val {add1 (procedure (x) (((+ x 1))) (#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x7c197838 {:status :ready, :val {add1 (procedure (x) (((+ x 1))) (#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x7c197838 {:status :ready, :val {add1 (procedure (x) (((+ x 1))) (... et cetera)
I get a very long environment output (it looks like the created procedure has an environment that contains the procedure itself) and then a StackOverflowError.
- Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
Error compiling:
(...)- Caused by java.lang.StackOverflowError
(No message)
For clarity, I put the eval
below. But I think the whole code needs to be run to properly see what is wrong.
(defn eval [exp env]
(cond (self-evaluating? exp) exp
(variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env)
(quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp)
(assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env)
(definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env)
(if? exp) (eval-if exp env)
(lambda? exp) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp)
(lambda-body exp)
(begin? exp) (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env)
(cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env)
(application? exp) (apply (eval (operator exp) env)
(list-of-values (operands exp) env))
:else (throw (Throwable. (str "Unknown expression type \"" exp "\" -- EVAL")))))
I hope someone can help me with this and perhaps shine some light on what is going wrong here.
The problem is lambda-body
procedure. The lambda
list contains 3 elements; tag, parameters and its body. However retrieving the body by lambda-body
uses cddr
instead of caddr
, thus the result get wrapped by extra list. So if you change the definition of lambda-body
like this:
(defn lambda-body [exp] (third exp))
then you can get result computed.
NB: if you want to avoid stack overflow error, then you can change eval-definition
or define-variable!
to return something else such as name of the given exp