With the new possibility to get the OAuth token to access the VSTS API during a build, I tried to write a script which deletes certain builds.
Reading builds works fine like this:
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" }
$buildsUrl = [string]::Format("{0}/_apis/build/builds?api-version=2.0", $baseUrl)
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $buildsUrl -Headers $headers
But while trying to delete a build I get a 403 Forbidden error:
$deleteUrl = [string]::Format("{0}/_apis/build/builds/{1}?api-version=2.0", $baseUrl, $id)
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Delete
Is deleting just not possible with the OAuth token provided by VSTS to the build or do I need to call the delete request differently?
It looks like a security issue. The build service account does not have the permission to "Delete Builds" by default. Set the permission to "Allow" and then try again.