I've updated the script here to give a better example. For $header I've got an anonymous function now returning $("#header"). Although this works I'm sure its not efficient as it calls $header every time it's used - so its the same as just using $("#header") throughout the code.
What I really want is to store $("header") in a variable. When I try to do this with $header2 (below) it fails. #header is red not blue.
When I use firebug to output lib.page.$header2.selector is correctly displays #header. As you can see the script which calls lib.page.init is at the bottom of the DOM.
Any ideas?
<script type="text/javascript">
var lib = {
page : {
$header : function() { return $("#header")},
$header2 : $("#header"),
init: function() {
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() { lib.page.init(); });
"This happens because the variables are instantiated at the time the script is interpreted. So at the time of the parser gets to the script the $("#header") isn't in the DOM yet."