Within a factory service, I have to use
$http.get(url, { cache: true })
In my view, i am using ng-if or ng-show to trigger a CSS transition.
The problem :
It is working great for the first request, but obviously for the next request of the same service function, the animation is not re-triggered.
Is there a way to reset / retrigger the ng-if / ng-show animation ?
(The cache is needed so i can avoid waiting time, but i still need to have opacity animation triggered between different states).
Thank you !
app.factory('progService', function ($http) {
var progService= {};
progService.getProgram = function() {
return $http.get(appInfo.api_url + 'pages/5', { cache: true});
return progService;
app.controller('programController', function($scope, progService) {
$scope.program = res.data;
<div ng-if="program.aJsonKey"></div>
you probably need to set up your own flag in this case. for example:
app.controller('programController', function($scope, progService) {
$scope.programDisplay = false;
$scope.program = res.data;
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
$scope.programDisplay = true;
<div ng-if="program.acf.exerpt && programDisplay"></div>