hey i have a gridpane and for one of the nodes i want it to be able to take up the whole row.
but i cant seem to figure out how to use GridPane.setColumnSpan(node, column span);
heres my code
grid.addRow(2, status, neutered, chipped, vaccinated, reserved);
grid.addRow(3, statusCb,new HBox(neuteredYes, neuteredNo), new HBox(chippedYes, chippedNo), new HBox(vaccinatedYes, vaccinatedNo), new HBox(reservedYes, reservedNo));
grid.addRow(4, new Label("people interested"));
grid.addRow(6, sponsorsTable(((Adoption) animal.getAdoption()).getInterested()));
GridPane.setColumnSpan(sponsorsTable(((Adoption) animal.getAdoption()).getInterested()), 6);
grid.addRow(7, hBox2);
this is how it looks now
this is what i want it to look like
id be grateful for any help. thanks
You can use GridPane.REMAINING
GridPane.setColumnSpan(yourNode, GridPane.REMAINING);