I am using a boost::multi_array to store some data. I do all my work on the data using views, because I need to work with slices of the data in different dimensions.
My question is, how is the memory of boost::multi_array managed?
In particular, I would like to work with a copy of a slice (view) of my data. Therefore I would like to do something like this:
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 2> MyContainer;
typedef MyContainer::array_view<1>::type Slice1D;
Slice1D copy(const Slice1D & slice)
MyContainer copyMemory(slice);
Slice1D sliceCopy = copyMemory[boost::indices[0][range()]];
return sliceCopy;
void main()
Slice1D copySlice = copy(mySlice);
I would like to know whether this is wrong because the multi_array containing the copy goes out of scope when the copy function returns. Or is it OK because multi_array uses smart pointers or reference counting to keep track?
owns the memory.
does not own the memory.
There is no sharing of ownership.
Your code is not gonna work well.