I am trying to figure out a way to fill in a blank column using a user defined function. I have a Start Date column and an End Date column. The End Date is currently blank. The data has been read in as a csv into a pandas data-frame called df.
What I am wanting to do specifically is build a user defined function that takes the date in the Start Date column and adds 1 year to it and puts that into the end date column. Something to the effect of this:
Beginning Data-frame:
Start_Date End_Date
12/4/2013 NaN
07/16/2012 NaN
03/05/1999 NaN
Output with one year added:
Start_Date End_Date
12/04/2013 12/03/2014
07/16/2012 07/15/2013
03/05/1999 03/04/2000
I realize this can be done with the following code:
from datetime import timedelta
df['END_DATE'] = df['START_DATE'] + timedelta(days=365)
But I would really like to use a user defined function (if it is possible) along the lines of:
def add_1_year(x):
ed = [x['START_DATE']+ timedelta(days=365)
return pd.Series(ed)
I hope this makes as much sense, but any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Assuming 'Start_Date' is already a datetime:
def add_1_year(x):
x['End_Date'] = x['Start_Date']+ timedelta(days=365)
return x
Should do it