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What's the correct place to store assembly files in Maven?

In Maven's assembly guide (, it is stated:

You'll notice that the assembly descriptor is located in ${project.basedir}/src/assembly which is the standard location for assembly descriptors.

But in the maven assembly plugin page ( it says:

Note: Your assembly descriptors must be in the directory /src/main/resources/assemblies to be available to the Assembly Plugin.

Are them 2 different things? Is any of them outdated?


  • It is the difference between using assemblies and making them available to other projects.

    The idea of putting assembly descriptors in src/main/resources/assemblies is to make them available to other modules or projects. You create a project, say my-assembly-descriptor, with one or more assembly descriptors in src/main/resources/assemblies. Then in a different project that you want to use the descriptor in you configure the assembly plugin to use my-assembly-descriptor as a dependency.


    The assembly plugin finds your descriptors on its classpath and can use them.

    The assembly descriptors placed in src/assembly can be used to assemble artifacts but the can't be reused in other modules or projects.