I do not have SQL Anywhere installed. I have tried jconn4, and jconn3, I have also tried, jodbc4, and none of them would do what I need.
I need a pure java, type 4, jdbc driver for Sybase, and as far as I can ascertain that's sajdbc.jar. But it is nowhere to be seen. I badly need this file. Is there anyone who can tell me where I can go to download this file ?
Quoting the SQL Anywhere JDBC drivers documentation:
The Java component of the SQL Anywhere JDBC 4.0 driver is included in the sajdbc4.jar file installed into the Java subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation. For Windows, the native component is dbjdbc12.dll in the bin32 or bin64 subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation; for Unix, the native component is libdbjdbc12.so. This component must be in the system path.