I dug through datastax's QueryBuilder source code and I can't find a way to a query like:
select JSON * from myTable;
Also, it would be fairly easy to make a subclass to do this, but that is thwarted by the package protection of the constructors in com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Select
Is there any way to do this query?
Right now it's not possible but you will be able to use a new select().raw()
method to inject arbitrary string like "JSON *".
See the resolution of this JIRA: https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/JAVA-1086
Added new syntax:
.cast(fcall("writetime", column("country")), DataType.text())
I also exposed the raw method in the top-level API, so this will serve as a workaround for this kind of issue in the future:
select = select().raw("CAST(writetime(country) AS text)").from("artists").limit(2);