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How to create dynamic glue in cucumber java based on the feature file location?

I am having a java project which is built using maven.

I have multiple packages,feature files based on different functionalities. The project test structure is as below.




I have only one file

@CucumberOptions(format = { "html:target/cucumber-html-report",
                        "json:target/cucumber-json-report.json" }, 
                        features = "src/test/resources/",
                        glue = "??????",
                        tags = {"~@ignore"}
 public class RunCukesTest {


In this case it runs all my feature files. But it is not able to find my specific Step definitions for the feature. So I have to give the glue option as "com.usercreation". But if I do so when it runs the uservalidation feature file it will not be able to pick up the appropriate step definition. In my use case I don't want both the step def file to be in the same package, as they have many steps with different functionalities.

Is there a possible way where I can give the glue option dynamically based on the package name the feature file is running. Or am I missing any other approach to this project.


  • glue = { "classpath:com/usercreation", "classpath:com/uservalidation" },