I want to load data which is embedded in an R package. I use GWmodel package and want to load LondonHP data. But when i try to load the data using RCaller in Java, the xml return is :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This is my code to load the data :
Can you guys give me solution to my problem?
We can see in R console that the londonhp object is in type of S4 :
> typeof(londonhp)
[1] "S4"
So, it has some slots :
> slotNames(londonhp)
[1] "data" "coords.nrs" "coords" "bbox" "proj4string"
You can access its elements using the @ operator:
> londonhp@data
So you need to handle londonhp@data, not londonhp itself.