Using Vue.js ( Vue-Tables ) with laravel. The data is being succesfully displayed, but the daterangepicker ( is not sorting at all. No matter what interval I set, the records won't display. The field is being parsed with carbon to return in needed format
public function getFootageDateAttribute($date)
return Carbon::parse($date)->format('d-m-Y');
In the js file, I have dateFormat: "DD-MM-YY",
filterByColumn: true,
dateColumns: ['footage_date'],
. When I inspect with vue dev-tools, the field is footage_date: "03-04-2016"
If I hardcode the date as in the example ( ) using
// Courtesy of Tomasz Nurkiewicz (Elegant method to generate array of random dates within two dates)
function randomDate(start, end) {
return moment(start.getTime() + Math.random() * (end.getTime() - start.getTime()));
the date is in this format footage_date: "1974-03-27T18:19:40.364Z"
and it works.
Pastebin of the full js file . Client side
The footage_date was supposed to be passed as a moment instance, not as a date string, therefore, modifying the ready function did it
ready: function(){
footages =
footages.forEach(footage => {
footage.footage_date = moment(footage.footage_date)
this.tableData = footages