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which classloader responsible for loading endorsed dir jars into JVM?

I am asking this question for my knowledge. in java we have three class loaders bootstrap, system and extension class loaders. in this which one will do actual loading of endorsed jars?


  • By the bootstrap class loader.

    See the relevant HotSpot sources:

    // Constructs the system class path (aka boot class path) from the following
    // components, in order:
    //     prefix           // from -Xbootclasspath/p:...
    //     endorsed         // the expansion of -Djava.endorsed.dirs=...
    //     base             // from os::get_system_properties() or -Xbootclasspath=
    //     suffix           // from -Xbootclasspath/a:...
    // java.endorsed.dirs is a list of directories; any jar or zip files in the
    // directories are added to the sysclasspath just before the base.