I am using <html:select>
tag to read and display values from the collection.
<td><bean:message key="prompt.my.amount" /></td>
<html:select property="userPref.amount" style="width:170px">
<html:options collection="myAmts" property="value" labelProperty="label" />
The Java file contains the collection values.
public Collection getMyAmts() {
if (Utils.empty(myAmts)) {
myAmts = new Vector();
myAmts.add(new LabelValueBean("ONE", "one"));
myAmts.add(new LabelValueBean("TWO", "two"));
myAmts.add(new LabelValueBean("Three", "three"));
myAmts.add(new LabelValueBean("FOUR", "four"));
return myAmts;
I would like to display the value FOUR
as a default in the dropdown list.
How can I achieve this?
The default value is set in the value
Have you tried to use the value attribute on the tag?
<html:select property="status" value="...your status choise here..."> <html:optionsCollection name="statusList" label="description" value="id" /> </html:select>