I am developing a Sencha Touch app with lists, specifically in one list we have (for example) 400 different items and it is necessary to include the parameter infinite: true
to improve the performance in the view..
But I am looking a strange behavior and the items are overlaying with the next one..
My code is:
xtype : 'list',
cls : 'mweb-list',
useComponents: true,
maxItemCache: 30,
useHeaders : false,
infinite : true,
This behavior is happening when I include the infinite
Component cls has not css rules, here you can view the extended component:
Ext.define('xx.components.list.BaseListComponent', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype : 'mwebBaseListComponent',
config: {
cls : 'mweb-list',
useComponents: true,
emptyText : '',
loadingText : '',
useHeaders : false
Any clue??
Thank you in advance.
You might want to use the flag variableHeights:true.
xtype : 'list',
cls : 'mweb-list',
useComponents: true,
maxItemCache: 30,
useHeaders : false,
infinite : true,
variableHeights: true,
Other than that your mweb-list might be setup for normal lists, but not following the structure of infinite lists. If variableHeights does not help please post your css code.
.mweb-list {
--> post whatever is in here