In Python I would do the following:
>>> q = urllib.urlencode({"q": "clojure url"})
>>> q
>>> url = "" + q
>>> url
How do I do all the encoding that's done for me above in Clojure? In other words, how do I do something akin to the following:
=> (build-url "" {"q" "clojure url"})
Here's one way:
user=> (import [ URLEncoder])
user=> (str "" (URLEncoder/encode "clojure url" "UTF-8"))
I know this is not exactly the same as your Python snippet though. Please see the following post from the Clojure mailing list for a more complete answer:[email protected]/msg29338.html
The code from there will allow you to do this:
user=> (encode-params {"q" "clojure url"})