I have an original Cayenne Expression
(effectiveDate >= 01/01/2015) and ((specialFeaturesString like "*808*") and ((amortizationType = "05") or (amortizationType = "06")) and (loanType = 2))
There is a util method in my codebase which converts above expression to a HashMap. I traverse the map and convert to JSON format and feed that JSON to jquery QueryBuilder. I change the JSON in UI layer and using Jackson get the JSON into a HashMap The HashMap sysout is as below
{condition=AND, rules=[{id=effectiveDate, field=effectiveDate, type=date, input=text, operator=greater_or_equal, value=04/05/2016}, {condition=AND, rules=[{id=specialFeaturesString, field=specialFeaturesString, type=string, input=text, operator=contains, value="*808*"}, {condition=OR, rules=[{id=amortizationType, field=amortizationType, type=string, input=select, operator=equal, value=05}, {id=amortizationType, field=amortizationType, type=string, input=select, operator=equal, value=06}]}, {id=loanType, field=loanType, type=string, input=select, operator=equal, value=2}]}]}
I need to traverse the HashMap and convert it to Cayenne Expression.
The final result should be
(effectiveDate >= 04/05/2016) and ((specialFeaturesString like "*808*") and ((amortizationType = "05") or (amortizationType = "06")) and (loanType = 2))
Please provide the code
Here is a skeleton of a recursive parser that should get you started:
public class ExpressionParser {
public SimpleNode parse(Map<String, Object> map) {
SimpleNode e = expForAggregateCondition(map);
if (e == null) {
e = expForRule(map);
} else {
Collection<Map<String, Object>> rules =
(Collection<Map<String, Object>>) map.get("rules");
if (rules != null) {
for (Map<String, Object> submap : rules) {
SimpleNode subExp = parse(submap);
e.jjtAddChild(subExp, e.jjtGetNumChildren());
return e;
private SimpleNode expForAggregateCondition(Map<String, Object> map) {
String condition = (String) map.get("condition");
if (condition == null) {
return null;
switch (condition) {
case "AND":
return new ASTAnd();
case "OR":
return new ASTOr();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad condition: " + condition);
private SimpleNode expForRule(Map<String, Object> map) {
// TODO...
Updated the expForRule method as
private SimpleNode expForRule(Map<String, Object> map) {
return (SimpleNode) ExpressionFactory.matchExp((String) map.get("id"), map.get("value"));
This is resulting in
effectiveDate = "04/05/2016" and specialFeaturesString = "\"*808*\"" and amortizationType = "05" or amortizationType = "06" and loanType = "2"
Not appearing with brackets.