I'm using The Final Countdown jQuery script.. http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/
I want to hide days, minutes etc if there is none left (ie, reach 0).
At this moment it will display something like..
00 Days 00 Hours 13 Minutes 58 Seconds
I want to display it like..
13 Minutes 58 Seconds
<span id="clock-{{ $game->id }}"></span>
var endGame = moment.tz("{{ $game->updated_at->addDays(3) }}", "Europe/Volgograd");
$('#clock-{{ $game->id }}').countdown(endGame.toDate(), function(event) {
$(this).html(event.strftime('%-D days %-H hours %-M min %-S sec')).on('finish.countdown', function(event){
$(this).html(event.strftime('This Game has Ended.'));
$('.clock-{{ $game->id }}').fadeOut(2000);
I suppose you can put a few conditions for achieving this.
var endGame = moment.tz("{{ $game->updated_at->addDays(3) }}", "Europe/Volgograd");
$('#clock-{{ $game->id }}').countdown(endGame.toDate(), function(event) {
var str = "";
// if 0 number of days, show H:M:S
if(parseInt(event.strftime('%D')) == 0) {
str = event.strftime('%-H hours %-M min %-S sec');
// if 0 days 0 hours, show M:S
if(parseInt(event.strftime('%H')) == 0) {
str = event.strftime('%-M min %-S sec');
// if 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes, show only Seconds
if(parseInt(event.strftime('%M')) == 0) {
str = event.strftime('%-S sec');
} else {
str = event.strftime('%-D days %-H hours %-M min %-S sec');
$(this).html(str).on('finish.countdown', function(event){
$(this).html(event.strftime('This Game has Ended.'));
$('.clock-{{ $game->id }}').fadeOut(2000);
I don't know if the plugin provides some inbuilt feature for doing this so I took this approach.