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In NodeJS how do I exit a parent function from a virtual function

I have something like the following

var async = require(async)

function start () {
            function (callback) {
                // do something
                callback(null, "Done doing something")
                return // EXIT start() NOT JUST THIS VIRTUAL FUNCTION
            function (callback) {
                // do something else if the first thing succeeded
                callback(null, "Done doing something else")
        function (err,result) {
            if (err) {

    console.log("All done!")

// Start doing stuff

Is it possible to exit the function start() based on some condition from within the contained virtual function where I placed the comment "EXIT start() NOT JUST THIS VIRTUAL FUNCTION"


  • In short yes, you can exit the task series early. async uses error-first callbacks, which are a fundamental async callback structure in Node.js. An additional resource for learning about Async development using Node.js see this great blog post from RisingStack.

    Callbacks from async get returned to a final callback that is called when the async.series is completed if supplied, this callback is optional. If a task within the series returns the callback with a value other than null in the first parameter, the error parameter, the series will break and return to the final callback handler.

            function (callback) {
                // If some condition is met, exit series with an error
                if (someCondition)
                    return callback('exit start', null);
                return callback(null, 'Done doing something');
            function (callback) {
                if (someCondition)
                  return callback('error', null);
                // do something else if the first thing succeeded
                return callback(null, "Done doing something else")
        function (err,result) {
            // Handle error returned from a series callback if one occurred      
            if (err) {