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How can I use Ember Data custom api with json-api?

Before I use json-api, I custom ember data api like this:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import config from './../config/environment';

export default DS.Model.extend({

  useRepairPackage(repairPackageId) {
    Ember.$.ajax({url: `${}/${config.namespace}/quotations/${this.get('id')}/use_repair_package.json`, type: "PATCH", data: {...}}).then((result)=> { 
      return this.reload();

But when I use json-api, data: {...} is more complex and I must make up json by myself.

It had best way to solve this problem? Thanks.


  • Even if you use the JSONAPIAdapter for your application, you can still use model.toJSON() to return a flat data JSON object(uses JSONSerializer) to use anywhere like in your ajax request.

    See toJSON.

    P.S. Have you seen