Before I use json-api
, I custom ember data api like this:
import DS from 'ember-data';
import config from './../config/environment';
export default DS.Model.extend({
useRepairPackage(repairPackageId) {
Ember.$.ajax({url: `${}/${config.namespace}/quotations/${this.get('id')}/use_repair_package.json`, type: "PATCH", data: {...}}).then((result)=> {
return this.reload();
But when I use json-api
, data: {...}
is more complex and I must make up json by myself.
It had best way to solve this problem? Thanks.
Even if you use the JSONAPIAdapter for your application, you can still use model.toJSON()
to return a flat data JSON object(uses JSONSerializer) to use anywhere like in your ajax request.
See toJSON.
P.S. Have you seen