I have build an AngularJS application and want to use paymill.com to offer different payment methods. I am currently struggling with PayPal. This api-call allows me to specify a redirect url where the customer gets redirected to after the payment: https://developers.paymill.com/API/index#create-new-payment-checksum
I get a response with this URL as 'return_url':
which seems to be the correct encoding for:
Sadly the redirect after the payment does not work and simply redirects me to:http://test.test.com/?paypal_parameters/#/
So it seems like that everything after the hashtag gets ommited...Is there a way to fix this on my end? I would rather not use html5 mode.
EDIT: If i use the above url without the '#' i get correctly redirect, but angularjs is unable to resolve this of course.
Why don´t you wanna use the html5 mode? you wouldn´t have any issue with the hashtag.
What angular method do you use for redirecting to the URL.