I am using Emacs
When I am using Org-mode, the org-indent-mode
is off by default. So I have to enable it using M-x org-indent-mode
I put the lisp below into my config file ~/.emecs.d/init.el
with no effect.
;; Enable org-indent mode by default
(org-indent mode 1)
;; Above line really should be (org-indent-mode 1)
Thanks for your time :)
You can use the mode hook for the major mode to enable this buffer-local minor mode in org-mode
For Emacs 24+ you can simply write:
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-indent-mode)
In earlier Emacs versions you should instead use a custom function to explicitly enable the minor mode by calling (org-indent-mode 1)
, and then add that custom function to the hook variable.