I have the following question, I really can't compile from all the questions and articles researched:
In C++, is it possible to have a method with variadic template arguments that specify types of arguments (as a meta-description type for parameters of in, out, in/out of a certain type, to be passed by value, by address etc.), to loop through these variadic arguments in order to instantiate variables of specified types, and be passed these variables to functions specified by a pointer in a template parameter, but these functions not having variadic parameters?
I try here to detail, as pseudocode:
template <decltype(*Type::*Method), typename... Parameters>
static bool ExecuteMethod(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
loop through Parameters
Parameters[i]::Type p[i] <-- args[i];
ReturnType r = Method(p[0], p[1], p[2] .. p[n]); // the method does not have variadic parameters
where Method might be like:
int(*GetColor) ( int16 *color);
int(*GetFile) ( FilePath &file );
int(*WriteDocument) ( const FilePath &file, const char *fileFormatName, bool askForParms);
This comes out of wrapping needs. The challenge is something missing in C++, reflection as in .net. It is possible to instance an array of heterogeneous objects by looping through the variadic arguments somehow? Probably. But how pass them to methods having no variadic arguments? I think it is not possible to assign that array of objects to functions like these three above without explicit wrappers, isn't it?
I've got a lot of feed-back, but it is clear I was not specific enough. I did not detailed too much because I've got complains in the past for being too specific. Indeed, I do not have easy implementations and I am a generic guy, not lazy, but I try to make a latter development faster.
Here is the source of the problem: I need to wrap Adobe Illustrator API, which exposes hundreds if not thousands of pointers to functions grouped in structs, called suites.
I try to have a javascript engine using SpiderMonkey.
I use Visual Studio 2015 compiler.
My approach is as follows:
I have several classes to wrap the API in order to add to SpiderMonkey's engine objects for all the suites. Each SpiderMonkey class, could be called as jsData, wraps a data type of Adobe SDK, or a suite, jsSuite.
So far, I have used templates because SpiderMonkey forces me to add each function to its custom objects with a specific signature, like this:
bool jsAIDocumentSuite::WriteDocument(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp)
and adding it to the custom object would be done like this:
const JSFunctionSpec jsAIDocumentSuite::fFunctions[] = {
JS_FN("WriteDocument", jsAIDocumentSuite::WriteDocument, 3, 0),
JS_FN is a SpiderMonkeyMacro.
Actually, this is, so far, less than 10% of the Adobe SDK.
The most are getters and setters with one parameter, passed by value or address or pointer, so I have replaced them by a generic function, like this:
template <typename jsType, typename jsReturnType, typename ReturnPrivateType = jsReturnType::PrivateType, typename jsParamType, typename ParamPrivateType = jsParamType::PrivateType, ReturnPrivateType(*Type::*Method)(ParamPrivateType&)>
static bool GetByRefMethod(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
ReturnPrivateType result;
ParamPrivateType ppt;
if (jsType::Suite() && (jsType::Suite()->*Method))
result = (jsType::Suite()->*Method)(ppt);
return false; // TODO throw a meaningful error
if ((jsReturnType::IsNoError(result)) && (argc > 0) && (args[0].isObject()))
JSObject *obj = &args[0].toObject();
JSObject *value = NULL;
if (!jsParamType::FromAIObject<jsParamType>(cx, &ppt, value))
return false;
if (!value)
return false;
jsProperty::SetProperty(cx, &obj, "value", value, true);
JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, &jsDataClass<jsReturnType>::fClass);
JS_SetPrivate(obj, new ReturnPrivateType(result));
return true;
A bit complicated, isn't it?
What is relevant, above, is:
I use macros to inject the method in its variants (several short forms too, not so interesting here):
I wish to be able to handle variable arguments, according to the statistics more philosophical, but interesting. The idea would be opposite to the C++, probably, and not as expected.
How would I expect it:
I wish to add variadic parameters meta-information, like:
template static bool Method(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp) { JS::CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
ReturnPrivateType result;
*1st challenge: Loop through the variadic list of meta-parameters and create their corresponding object instances here and initialize the IN ones with values from the *args* collection passed by the SpiderMonkey engine*
if (jsType::Suite() && (jsType::Suite()->*Method))
result = (jsType::Suite()->*Method)(*2nd challenge: pass arguments here: probably by using a variadic macro?*);
return false; // TODO throw a meaningful error
if ((jsReturnType::IsNoError(result)) && (argc > 0) && (args[0].isObject()))
JSObject *obj = &args[0].toObject();
JSObject *value = NULL;
if (!jsParamType::FromAIObject<jsParamType>(cx, &ppt, value))
return false;
if (!value)
return false;
jsProperty::SetProperty(cx, &obj, "value", value, true);
JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, &jsDataClass<jsReturnType>::fClass);
JS_SetPrivate(obj, new ReturnPrivateType(result));
return true;
As you can see, it is not as C++ expected, it is a bit reversed, by trying to avoid writing templates to deduct the parameters, here, I know the parameters first and try to write a code to generate the right parameters by knowing their meta-information first and I have a clear set of types and I promise to write the right code to generate the correct wrappers. I don't need to validate much regarding the data of the parameters, as things are mostly passed without a huge business logic in the process.
About the parameters meta-information, I could write a few types with statics to specify the data type of the parameter, whether it is a return type, whether it is an IN, an OUT or an IN/OUT parameter, its jsType etc.. They would be the variadic list of the template parameters function above.
[Continued from part 1: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35109026/5386374 ]
There is an issue, however. We had to change the way our code is written to accomodate ExecuteMethod()
, which may not always be possible. Is there a way around that, so that it functions exactly the same as your previously specified ExecuteMethod()
, and doesn't need to take the variable it modifies as a macro parameter? The answer is... yes!
// Variadic function-like macro to automatically create, use, and destroy functor.
// Uncomment whichever one is appropriate for the compiler used.
// (The difference being that Visual C++ automatically removes the trailing comma if the
// macro has zero variadic arguments, while GCC needs a hint in the form of "##" to tell
// it to do so.)
// Instead of a do...while structure, we can just use a temporary Executor directly.
// MSVC:
// #define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M), decltype(&M)>{}(M, __VA_ARGS__)
// GCC:
#define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M), decltype(&M)>{}(M, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// For your example function WriteDocument(), defined as
// int WriteDocument(const FilePath &file, const char *fileFormatName, bool askForParms);
bool c = ExecuteMethod(WriteDocument, file, fileFormatName, askForParams);
This is all well and good, but there is one more change we can make to simplify things without impacting performance. At the moment, this functor can only take function pointers (and maybe lambdas, I'm not familiar with their syntax), not other types of function objects. If this is intended, it means that we can rewrite it to do away with the first template parameter (the entire signature), since the second and third parameters are themselves components of the signature.
// Default functor.
template<typename... Ts>
struct Executor { };
// General case.
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Params>
struct Executor<ReturnType (*)(Params...)> {
// Instead of explicitly taking M as a parameter, create it from
// the other parameters.
using M = ReturnType (*)(Params...);
// Parameter match:
bool operator()(M method, Params... params) {
ReturnType r = method(params...);
// ...
// Parameter mismatch:
template<typename... Invalid_Params>
bool operator()(M method, Invalid_Params... ts) {
// Handle parameter type mismatch here.
// Special case to catch void return type.
template<typename... Params>
struct Executor<void (*)(Params...)> {
// Instead of explicitly taking M as a parameter, create it from
// the other parameters.
using M = void (*)(Params...);
// Parameter match:
bool operator()(M method, Params... params) {
// ...
// Parameter mismatch:
template<typename... Invalid_Params>
bool operator()(M method, Invalid_Params... ts) {
// Handle parameter type mismatch here.
// Variadic function-like macro to automatically create, use, and destroy functor.
// Uncomment whichever one is appropriate for the compiler used.
// (The difference being that Visual C++ automatically removes the trailing comma if the
// macro has zero variadic arguments, while GCC needs a hint in the form of "##" to tell
// it to do so.)
// Instead of a do...while structure, we can just use a temporary Executor directly.
// MSVC:
// #define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M)>{}(M, __VA_ARGS__)
// GCC:
#define ExecuteMethod(M, ...) Executor<decltype(&M)>{}(M, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Note: If your compiler doesn't support C++11 "using" type aliases, replace them
// with the following:
// typedef ReturnType (*M)(Params...);
This results in cleaner code, but, as mentioned, limits the functor to only accepting function pointers.
When used like this, the functor expects parameters to be an exact match. It can handle reference-ness and cv-ness correctly, but may have issues with rvalues, I'm not sure. See here.
As to how to use this with your JSContext
... I'm honestly not sure. I haven't learned about contexts yet, so someone else would be more helpful for that. I would suggest checking if one of the other answers here would be more useful in your situation, in all honesty.
Note: I'm not sure how easy it would be to modify the functor to work if its function parameter is a functor, lambda, std::function
, or anything of the sort.
Note 2: As before, I'm not sure if there would be any negative effects on performance for doing something like this. There's likely a more efficient way, but I don't know what it would be.