I'm making a "show-you-local-wather-app"(freecodecamp), and I want it to get the data on page load. But nothing happens. I quite new at this so I'm wondering if I've missed something obvious.
It works just fine if I put it inside $("#some_button").on("click", etc...
I've tried putting it inside $(document).ready without any succes. What am I missing here?
var latitude, longitude;
var apiKey = "9b6a0d53a4ed3ff657c6ff6e18ffa42f";
var url;
function success(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
latitude = crd.latitude;
longitude = crd.longitude;
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&units=metric&appid=" + apiKey;
// AJAX call
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$("#location").html(data.name + ", " + data.sys.country);
var imgURL = data.weather[0].icon + ".png";
$("#icon").html("<img src='http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + imgURL + "'>");
I've made it with codepen if anyone want to see it. I'm using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Here is better solution, If your navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success)
successfully returns then run runner()
Here is quite simple examples Cordova Doc
$(document).ready(function() {
var latitude, longitude;
var apiKey = "9b6a0d53a4ed3ff657c6ff6e18ffa42f";
var url;
function success(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
latitude = crd.latitude;
longitude = crd.longitude;
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&units=metric&appid=" + apiKey;
// AJAX call
function runner(url){
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$("#location").html(data.name + ", " + data.sys.country);
var imgURL = data.weather[0].icon + ".png";
$("#icon").html("<img src='http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + imgURL + "'>");
}; //end of runner
}); //end of document.ready