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Understanding Alternating Least Squares for Collaborative Filtering

I have been messing around with recommendation engines for the last few days and came across this very nice tutorial which demonstrates the use of Alternating Least Squares in Collaborative filters:

I managed to follow the instructions till the very last step. It's the part where the author writes the code to print recommendations. The code snippet is as follows:-

def print_recommendations(W=W, Q=Q, Q_hat=Q_hat, movie_titles=movie_titles):
  Q_hat -= np.min(Q_hat)
  Q_hat *= float(5) / np.max(Q_hat)
  movie_ids = np.argmax(Q_hat - 5 * W, axis=1)
  for jj, movie_id in zip(range(m), movie_ids):

  print('User {} liked {}\n'.format(jj + 1, ', '.join([movie_titles[ii] for ii, qq in enumerate(Q[jj]) if qq > 3])))

  print('\n User {} recommended movie is {} - with predicted rating: {}'.format( jj + 1, movie_titles[movie_id], Q_hat[jj, movie_id]))

  print('\n' + 100 *  '-' + '\n')

In this snippet, W is the weight matrix. Q matrix is used to formalize the notion of confidence which the ratings measure. Therefore:

Q = 1 if user u rated item i

Q= 0  if user u did not rate item i

Q_hat is the new matrix obtained after implementing the ALS algorithm, after specified number of iterations.

I cannot understand why the author implements these two steps in particular:

Q_hat -= np.min(Q_hat)
Q_hat *= float(5) / np.max(Q_hat)

Could somebody guide me and help me understand this? I would really appreciate it.


Edit : Here is a gist link to the original function:


  • This is a normalization of the predicted ratings.

    Q_hat -= np.min(Q_hat)

    Here the author is subtracting the smallest in the predicted ratings matrix to all predicted values.

    This guarantees that all predicted ratings start at 0.

    Q_hat *= float(5) / np.max(Q_hat)

    Here the author is normalizing the predicted ratings to range from 0 up to 5.