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Importing project from svn failed again and again

I use eclipse Version: Helios Service Release 2and Build id: 20110218-0911. And my subversive svn connector is SVNKit 1.2.3. r5745(for SVN 1.5.6, all platforms). And I'm new to subversion control system. Every time I try to import project from svn, it start checkout slowly and failed after 90% with this message.

error message

I have tried many times but still I got the above message and checkout failed at after 90%.

But when I try to checkout that same url from tortoise svn, its ok and may be file size is around 229MB and takes around 30 minutes.

I don't know why my importing project from eclipse using subversive is very slow and failed again and again.

Here is the list of installed software in my eclipse.

list of install software

And the svn connector image.

enter image description here

I don't want to use tortoise svn in this project because all of my co-worker used eclipse subversive. So, I'm worries of conflict and some error if I used tortoise svn instead of eclipse subversive. I'm very appreciate for any solution and advice.


  • You use very old SVNKit version. That's why there are no problems in more up-to-date TortoiseSVN, but there are in Eclipse IDE.

    Upgrade Subversive and its connectors to solve the problem: