I'm trying to convert a time in this format 00:00 to millisecond , but how do I know that the conversion is correct? sample: ||the time for 00:00 in millisecond its>> 1459641652035 || ||the time for 14:20 in millisecond its>> 1459693252035 || this is my code
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
TimeZone timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC+03:00");
Medicine obj1=new Medicine ();
Long time[] = new Long[obj1.times.length];
for (int i = 0; i < obj1.times.length; i++) {
//this loop to get each time (hour and Minute) and convert them to millisecond
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE,Integer.parseInt(obj1.times[i].substring(3, 5)));
time[i] = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
return time;
is it correct?
I also try to do it like this
hour= Integer.parseInt(obj1.times[i].substring(0, 2));
min=Integer.parseInt(obj1.times[i].substring(3, 5));
Milli=new Long((hour*60*60*1000)+(min*60*1000));
but here I didn't specified the timezone! is this will work?
Your sample is
||the time for 00:00 in millisecond its>> 1459641652035 ||
Clearly, 00:00 should convert to 0 in milliseconds, so the conversion is incorrect.