So I am trying to assign numbers to an array in verilog, and it goes like this:
initial begin
waveforms[0] = 16'b1100100100000000;
waveforms[1] = 16'b1000000000000000;
waveforms[2] = 16'b1111111111111111;
And the following codes can pass ModelSim Compiler. However, I have a huge lookup table need to store in this "waveforms", so apparently assign the value one by one is not efficient. So I tried this:
initial begin
waveforms [0:2] = '{16'b1100100100000000,16'b1000000000000000,16'b1111111111111111};
And, by doing the above, I get the following error:
(vlog-2110) Illegal reference to memory "waveforms".
Illegal array access into "waveforms"
Illegal LHS of assignment.
So, question is how to fix these errors?
Only SystemVerilog allows you to assign arrays as an aggregate. Change the file extension from *.v
to *.sv
Another option is to use $readmemb and load the lookup table from another file.